Most Famous Battle of the World and which Countries are involved Complete GK info
Name of the Battle | Year | Countries involved |
Battle of Marathon | 490 BC | Athenians and Persians. King Darius of Persia defeated. |
Battle of Thermoplaye | 480 BC | Spartans led by Leonidas and Persians led by Xerexes. Greeks defeated. |
Battle of Salamis | 480 BC | Athenian fleet and Persian fleet in bay of Salamis; Persian fleet defeated. |
Battle of Platae | 479 BC | Greek and Persians forces defeated. |
Battle of Mycale | 479 BC | Greek and Persian fleets; Persian fleet defeated. |
Spartan War I (Peloponesian War) | 459 BC | Sparta and Athens, lasted for 30 years. |
Spartan War II | 431 BC-421 | Sparta and Athens; Spartans victorious. |
Battle of Arabia | 331 BC | Greek and Persian forces; Greeks victorious. |
Battle of Magnesia | 190 BC | Syrian and Roman forces; Syrian forces defeated (North-west Lydia). |
Battle of Pharasalus | 48 AD | Caesar defeated Pompey. |
Battle of Hastings | 1066 | William, the Duck of Normandy defeated Harold, the king of England. England came under the control of Normans. |
Hundred- year War | 1338- 1453 | Fought between France and England . The cause of the war was the succession was claimed to the throne of France which was claimed by Edward III of England. The war was resume by Henry V and was brought to an end by the Heroism of Joan of Arc – ‘A Country girl who overthrew the power of England ‘. John of Arc was burnt alive at the stakes in 1431. |
War of the Roses | 1455- 1485 | Civil War in England; The Cause of the War was a struggle for the throne o England between the two royal houses of Lancaster and York. |
Anglo-Spanish War (Spanish armada War) | 1588 | Spanish and England fleets fought in the England Channel; The English fleet under lord Howard Defeated of the Spanish Armada. |
Battle of Gibraltar Way | 1607 | The Dutch defeated the Spanish and Portuguese. |
Thirty-year War | 1618- 1648 | Stated as religious-cum-political war Between the Lutherans and Catholics in Germany and developed into an international war. |
Civil War in England | 1642- style="mso-margin-top-alt: auto; mso-margin-bottom-alt: auto;">1649 | Between Cavaliers (King Charles I supporters)and forces of Parliament led by Oliver Cromwell, king Charles I executed . |
Battle of Blenheim | 1704 | England and Austria headed by Marlborough defended France and Russia. |
War of Austrian Succession | 1740- 1748 | Queen of Austria, Maria Theresa (daughter of Charles VII ) was Challenged by king Frederick II of Prussia. England Supported the Queen and Frederick II was helped by France. Ended with a Treaty Which recognized the Queen’s right to the throne after the death of king Frederick. |
Seven -Year War (Anglo-French War III) | 1756- 1763 | Britain and France against Austria and Prussia; the British alliance won. |
Battle of the Nile | 1798 | British and French fleets, Britain victorious. |
Battle of Trafolgar | 1805 | British fleet defeated fleets of France and Spain. British fleets were commanded by Admiral Nelson, who was killed during the Battle. |
Battle of Austerliz | 1805 | Britain , Austria ,Russia and Prussia .On side and France on the other. Napoleon (France) defeated Austria and Russia. |
Battle of Borodino | 1812 | Between France and Russia. Napolean invaded Russia at Borodino, and nearly defeated the Russians. However on reaching Moscow, his army suffered heavy losses and was forced to retreat. Napolean’s ill-fated attack on Russia market the beginning of the downfall of the French Empire. |
Battle of Leipzing | 1813 | Germany and combined force of Austria, Prussia and Russia, Defeated Napolean. |
Battle of Waterloo | 1815 | British forces and by Duke of Wellington (sir Arthur Wellesly) defeated French forces led by Napolean. Napolean was Captured and exiled to St. Helena where he died in 1821. |
First Opium War | 1840 | China and Britain; Chinese yielded opium. It was a trade war. |
Crimean War | 1854- 1856 | The Combined forces of the British, French and Turks defeated Russia. |
American Civil War | 1861- 1865 | Northern states of America under Abraham Lincon defeated the Southern states and abolished the slavery. |
Sino- Japanese War | 1894- 1895 | Japan Defeated China and occupied Formosa and Korea. |
Battle of Omdurman | 1898 | The British and Egyptian forces defeated The forces of Khalifa (Mehdits). |
Bear War | 1899- 1901 | The revolt of Transvaal Boers was Suppressed by the British forces. Boers belonged to Dutch Protestant stock who opposed Britishers because of abolition of slavery by Britain. |
Russo- Japanese War (Battle of Port Arthur& Battle of Yalu) | 1904- 1905 | Russia and Japan in the sea of Japan. Russia defeated; It led the wave of the idea of Asian Resurgence. |
Balkan War I | 1912 | Turkey and Balkan countries (Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece), Turkey defeated. |
Balkan War II | 1913 | Invasion of Serbia and Greece by Bulgaria. Bulgaria was Defeated by Combined forces of Serbia, Greece. Rumania, Montengro who stripped Turkey of most of its European territories. |
World War I | 1914- 1918 | Central Power (Germany and its allies) Against the Allied Power (Britain and its allies); Central power were deeated. Famous Battles : (1). First battle of Marne (1914)- France defeated Germany. (2). Battle o Jutland(1916)- Naval battle between England and Germany. England defeated Germa ny. (3). Battle of Verdun (1916)- Fought between France & Germany . (4). Second battle of Marne(1918) – France defeated Germany. |
World War II | 1939- 1945 | Axis Powers (Germany and its allies) Against the Allied Power (Britain and its allies); Axis Power were defeated. Famous Battle: Battle of EI Alamein (1942)-The Allies victory during the World War II and retreat of General Rommel’s forces |
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